Being a former fearful avoidant (meaning I had both anxious and avoidant tendencies), I have a unique perspective on what the challenges are like on both sides of the attachment coin.  

Having experienced different challenging relationships throughout life and navigating my own struggles both in partnerships and while single, I know how hard it is to navigate this journey alone. I did many years of cognitive therapy but never quite hit the nail on the head. When I finally discovered attachment theory and was mentored in IAT I saw real progress in my life and my relationships... so much that I felt inspired to become a coach so I could help others.

I am now what we like to call in the attachment world “earned secure” and I did this by doing the same methods that I will be teaching you. Everyone's journey will be a little bit different. I will create a personalized program for you and teach you the skills to become secure. My work is based on the belief that through attachment healing, individuals will find their way home to their truest, most authentic happiest self.

Fulfilling relationships come from within… and the most important one starts with yourself. I’m here to help guide you.


Let’s discuss how I can help guide you and ensure my coaching services are the right fit for your needs.